“Sir Edward Elgar’s monumental Organ Sonata is known as one of the masterpieces of the organ literature; it’s also one of the most challenging to perform adequately, technically and registrationally. In both regards, Eddie Zheng’s performance at St. Michael’s Church ranks as one of the best I’ve ever heard. He had all the panache the piece calls for; the last movement for once was fast enough, the first movement imperial in its splendor, and the two slow movements tender and lyrical. He used the Kenneth Jones organ brilliantly, with the Great Open Diapason as a beautiful cello-like voice in the Andante, and flashes of the full swell at just the right moments; he did as good a job as anyone in following Elgar’s superhuman demands for dynamic nuance. A performance to cherish.”

Alexander Guilmant - Organ Sonata No. 1 Op. 42